Mukhtiar Gourav Library


Mukhtiar Gourav Library
The college library, the heart and hallmark of the institution, is doing a yeoman's job for its intellectual growth and development. It is a knowledge based pool of print and e-reading material catering to the needs of the students and the esteemed faculty. The prime focus is to deliver the best of current knowledge and information. The library serves as a portal from where the readers can seek information electronically and expeditiously.
The library is making its humble contribution in empowering the students with knowledge.
The college has a multi-sectional, reader friendly library providing need based and updated knowledge.
We subscribe to a number of Hindi/English/Punjabi dailies, subject based journals. General magazines also form a valuable part of our collection. It serves as a portal from where the readers can access vast amount of information electronically.
There is a team of qualified, hardworking and dedicated staff who work in co-ordination with each other to provide quick and timely services to its members. The library has been striving to accomplish the academic and other objectives of the college. It is a multi sectional, reader friendly, library providing knowledge and information based services. It is a Sanctum Sanctorum of learning process which aims at making every reader a well informed citizen